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June 14, 2023

Time Clock: GPS Tracking

We've added GPS tracking to our time clock app to ensure staff clock in and out at the desired locations. When enabled, the time clock app collects GPS location information during clock-in and clock-out. You can review this data when approving timesheets, allowing you to verify staff presence and avoid paying for hours outside the actual work sites.

To enable this feature, go to Settings -> Time Clock App, turn on "Enable collecting GPS location" option, and then make sure time clock app is updated to v2.2.0 or newer.

Download ->

Bug fixes & Enhancements

  • Fixed worked hours report filter issue
  • Fixed time clock app loading issue when location service is denied

June 5, 2023

Leave calendar and more

Leave calendar

The leave calendar facilitates tracking of team leave requests within your business for both you and your managers. Approved leave requests are represented by blue entries on the calendar, while pending requests are indicated by orange entries.

Clearing roster

Want to start fresh by clearing the entire roster? Now you have the option to clear the full roster for a specific department.

  1. Make sure you are selected to the departments that you’d like to clear
  2. Click the "..." button on the toolbar and then select the "Clear" button.

You're all set to begin anew.

May 26, 2023

Improved roster printing and more

Hours on printed roster

You now have the option to show the total hours for members or days on the printed roster. This feature allows you to use the information for analytics purposes or for staff to easily know the hours they need to work.

Update member’s login email

If you need to update a staff member's login email, you can now do so directly on their profile. Updating the email address on the profile will automatically update the login email for the staff member.

Bug fixes & Enhancements

  • A confirmation prompt has been added when switching to another tab without saving changes in the user profile.
  • A confirmation prompt has been added when switching to another tab without saving changes in the settings.
  • Two default options are now enabled automatically after enabling the time clock app.
  • After creating a new department, it will now be selected on the roster page.
  • The onboarding popover will now be hidden after the close button is clicked.
  • The issue where the admin account had no time clock PIN has been fixed.

May 19, 2023

Leave Management

Timble mobile app now allows staff members to submit their own leave requests, eliminating the need for managers to manually load the requests. Managers can simply approve or decline the requests, saving time for both managers and staff members.

Enable the submission of leave requests

  1. Go to Settings → General.
  2. Enable “Allow team members to submit leave requests” option.

Once this option is enabled, staff members will need to update their mobile app to version 1.4.0 or newer. After the update, they will see the "Leave" menu in the Accounts screens of the Timble mobile app.

Managers leave permissions

In terms of leave permissions for managers, the "can add/approve leave request" permission has been retired and replaced with three new permissions:

  • Can approve/decline leave requests: Managers with this permission can review and approve or decline leave requests from their team members.
  • Can edit and delete approved leave requests: Managers with this permission can make edits or deletions to already approved leave requests.
  • Can approve own leave requests: Managers with this permission can approve their own leave requests.

These new permissions provide precise control over what managers can and can't do regarding leave requests. By default, leave requests will be sent to the department manager. If no one in the department has the permission to approve or decline leave requests, the requests will be sent to the admin for approval or decline.

Shifts and leave on the same day

Previously, shifts had to be removed when adding a leave request. However, with the new update, shifts and leave can coexist on the same day. For example, if a staff member is assigned a shift and then gets sick, they can submit a sick leave request. The manager can then tag the shift as "Sick" to keep a record of it for future reference.

A dedicated page for managing leave requests

This page allows managers to easily add, edit, and filter leave requests without the need to open each member's profile and switch to the Leave tab. This streamlines the process and makes leave management more efficient.

Bug fixes 🐛 & Enhancements 🧚

  • Fixed assigning roles to department issue
  • Fixed staff can view drafted shifts  via mobile app
  • Fixed changing leave request start or end date will override leave types
  • Fixed refreshing page issue when account is deactivated
  • Fixed displaying shifts from deleted location issue

April 11, 2023

Staff members can submit their own unavailability and more

As of today, staff members can now submit their own unavailability directly through Timble mobile app. This means that managers can easily see who is available when creating weekly rosters, without having to manually look up emails or rely on staff members to notify them in advance.

To enable this feature, just go to Settings → General, and turn on “Allow team members to submit unavailability” option.

With this new feature, staff members no longer need to send emails about their unavailability, saving them time and reducing the risk of miscommunication. Managers can also save time by quickly reviewing the unavailability information in our system, instead of having to track down individual emails.

Notify members with no shifts

Staff members who have not been assigned shifts for the week may inquire about the roster's publication status. Now, they also receive email notifications once the roster has been published. Just need to select “Publish all shifts” when rostering is completed.

Bug fixes 🐛 & Enhancements 🧚

  • Fixed member name clickable area issue on roster page
  • Fixed drafted shifts background issue on mobile app
  • Fixed log out button hiding issue on mobile app

March 27, 2023

Editable leave

Starting today, staff leaves are now editable for the payroll person. This means that the payroll person can simply amend the leave hours based on the staff's leave balance without having to unapprove and approve the leave again.

Bug fixes 🐞 & enhancements 🧚

  • Fixed not displaying next week shifts on mobile app in staff view
  • Fixed role still displaying after selected when adding new members

March 22, 2023

Unpaid leave type

A new leave type, "Unpaid Leave," has been added to Timble. This feature will allow employees to take time off from work without pay, while also providing managers with better visibility and control over their team's time off.

March 21, 2023

Change Member Sequence in Roster Role View

We are excited to announce a new feature that will make managing your team even easier. With our latest update, managers can now change the sequence of team members in the roster role view.

Previously, the sequence of team members in the roster view was determined by their order of addition. This could be inconvenient when managers needed to reorganize the team for better efficiency.

We hope this makes it easier for you to manage your team and improve productivity. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Bug fixes 🐞 & Enhancements 🧚

  • Added the "Invite" button on member permission tab
  • Fixed not refreshing role list after deleting a department
  • Fixed completing onboarding checklist issue
  • Fixed admin time clock PIN issue after enabling time clock feature

March 8, 2023

Roster role view and more

We've added a new feature that allows managers to view their rosters by role. This feature is designed to help managers ensure that all roles within their departments are covered, giving them greater confidence in the rosters they create for the following week.

How it use:

  1. Go to the toolbar on the right side and click the "View" button.
  2. Select "View by Role."

Assign Members to Roles

Using the "view" role, managers can quickly assign multiple members a role. Simply hover over the role header and click the "Add Member" button (a person with a plus sign). A list of members will appear, from which you can select the staff members you want to assign the role to. Once you have made your selection, click "Assign.”

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed issue where invitation status would not change after sending out an invite.
  • Fixed issue where the "No Email" modal would pop up when the "Notify Member via Email" option was turned off.
  • Fixed issue where the role list would not update after deleting roles.
  • Extended the member profile click area for better user experience.

March 2, 2023

Shift Tagging on the Go

We are excited to announce the release of our new Shift Tagging feature on the mobile app. This feature allows managers to assign tags to any shifts on the go, making it easier than ever to keep track of employee attendance and schedule changes.

With the Shift Tagging feature, managers can assign the following tags to any shift:

  • Late
  • No-show
  • Sick
  • Shift covering

This feature eliminates the need for managers to use their laptops to do shift tagging. They can now do it on the mobile app anywhere, anytime. This means that managers can stay on top of their team's rosters and attendance even when they are away from their desks.

Got good ideas?

Feel free to let us know your business needs, we'd love to hear. 👂

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